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IsEqualMask Method

IsEqualMask Method

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Determines if an entity object exactly contains the specified masks.

Applies To

Entity Object


[JScript] bool  objEntity.IsEqualMask(masks);


  • masks
    A string value of bitmasks to compare with the entity object.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if the bitmasks of the entity object exactly match the specified masks.


If a mask for an entity object is defined as 000101, the only specified mask that can return TRUE is 000101. The HasMask method, however, returns TRUE if it matches masks 000001, 000100 and 000101.


var e = objDacl.SearchForObjectByNT4Name("MyDomain\User1");

var m = new Array(0x0080, 0x0080, 0x0080, 0x0080, 0x0000, 0x0000); if(e.IsEqualMask(m)) {

// User has that right }

See Also

HasMask Method

HasMaskByTemplate Method

HasMaskOfEntity Method

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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