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Save Method

Save Method

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Saves DACL object data to its item's security descriptor.

Applies To

DACL Object


[JScript] objResult  objDACL.Save([strUser,] [strPwd]);


  • strUser
    Optional. A string value of the username required for accessing the secured item.
  • strPwd
    Optional. A string value of the password required for accessing the secured item.

Return Value

An object that returns error codes and descriptions.


By design, this method does not save any inherited entities.

Important  Storing usernames and passwords in script files poses a security risk. If you write a script on a Web page that runs on a client for a browser other than Internet Explorer, the username and password will be passed in plain text to the UISaveDacl.asp file—a bigger security risk.


var objResult = objDacl.Save();

if(FAILED(objResult.number)){ //show an error msg here, using objResult.description }

See Also

Load Method

SaveTo Method

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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