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Moving a Mailbox

Moving a Mailbox

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

The following examples move a mailbox. Note that the second private mailbox store has already been created. LDAP is used to access Active Directory. Modifications in Microsoft® Exchange Server 2003 are handled behind the scenes as part of CDO for Exchange Management (CDOEXM).

Example (CDO)

Visual Basic

Sub CDOMove_Mailbox(MDBName As String, _
                    DomainName As String, _
                    recipname As String, _
                    Moveto_MDB As String, _
                    Moveto_StorageGroup As String, _
                    Moveto_Server As String, _
                    Moveto_AdminGroup As String, _
                    Organization As String)

'MDBName is something like "MyMDB6"
'DomainName is something like "DC=MYDOMAIN3,DC=example,DC=com"
'recipname is is the e-mail alias (eg. "jamessmith)."
'This assumes you have created the MDB Moveto_MDB (with a name like "PrivateMDB2")

Dim objPerson As New CDO.Person
Dim objMailbox As CDOEXM.IMailboxStore

On Error GoTo Error

objPerson.DataSource.Open "LDAP://CN=" + recipname + _
                            ",CN=users," + DomainName

Set objMailbox = objPerson
If objMailbox.HomeMDB = "" Then
   Debug.Print "No mailbox to move."
  Debug.Print "Current MDB: " + objMailbox.HomeMDB
  'Moveto_MDB is the MDB name to move the mailbox to (eg. PrivateMDB2)

  objMailbox.MoveMailbox "LDAP://CN=" + Moveto_MDB + _
                               ",CN=" + Moveto_StorageGroup + _
                               ",CN=InformationStore" + _
                               ",CN=" + Moveto_Server + _
                               ",CN=Servers" + _
                               ",CN=" + Moveto_AdminGroup + _
                               ",CN=Administrative Groups" + _
                               ",CN=" + Organization + _
                               ",CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services" + _
                               ",CN=Configuration," + DomainName
  Debug.Print "Mailbox has been moved to " + Moveto_MDB + " successfully."
End If
GoTo Ending

If Err.Number = -2147016656 Then
   Debug.Print "Recipient " + recipname + " does not exist in the default container."
   MsgBox "Recipient " + recipname + " is not found."
   MsgBox "Run time error: " + Str(Err.Number) + " " + Err.Description
End If

End Sub

Example (ADSI)

Visual Basic

Sub ADSIMove_Mailbox(MDBName As String, _
                     DomainName As String, _
                     recipname As String, _
                     Moveto_MDB As String, _
                     Moveto_StorageGroup As String, _
                     Moveto_Server As String, _
                     Moveto_AdminGroup As String, _
                     Organization As String)

'MDBName is something like "MyMDB6"
'DomainName is something like "DC=MYDOMAIN3,DC=example,DC=com"
'recipname is is the e-mail alias (eg. "jamessmith)."
'This assumes you have created the MDB Moveto_MDB in the same storage group.

Dim objUser As IADsUser
Dim objMailbox As CDOEXM.IMailboxStore

On Error GoTo Error

Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://CN=" + recipname + _
                        ",CN=users," + DomainName)

Set objMailbox = objUser
If objMailbox.HomeMDB = "" Then
   Debug.Print "No mailbox to move."
  Debug.Print "Current MDB: " + objMailbox.HomeMDB

  'Moveto_MDB is the MDB name to move the mailbox to (eg. PrivateMDB2)

  objMailbox.MoveMailbox "LDAP://CN=" + Moveto_MDB + _
                               ",CN=" + Moveto_StorageGroup + _
                               ",CN=InformationStore" + _
                               ",CN=" + Moveto_Server + _
                               ",CN=Servers" + _
                               ",CN=" + Moveto_AdminGroup + _
                               ",CN=Administrative Groups" + _
                               ",CN=" + Organization + _
                               ",CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services" + _
                               ",CN=Configuration," + DomainName

  Debug.Print "Mailbox has been moved to " + Moveto_MDB + " successfully."
End If
GoTo Ending

If Err.Number = -2147016656 Then
   Debug.Print "Recipient " + recipname + " does not exist in the default container."
   MsgBox "Recipient " + recipname + " is not found."
   MsgBox "Run time error: " + Str(Err.Number) + " " + Err.Description
End If


End Sub

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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