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Disabling a Mail Recipient

Disabling a Mail Recipient

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Call the IMailRecipient.MailDisable method to disable a mail recipient. The IMailRecipient interface is aggregated onto the Person object.


The example uses the CreateUserURL function, which is described in the topic Creating a User URL.

Visual Basic

Sub MailDisableCDOPerson(strUserName As String, strDomain As String)

    Dim oPerson         As New CDO.Person
    Dim oRecipient      As CDOEXM.IMailRecipient
    Dim strURL          As String

    ' Create URL for the user
    strURL = "LDAP://CN=" + strUserName + ",CN=Users," + strDomain

    Set oPerson = New CDO.Person
    ' Bind
    oPerson.DataSource.Open strURL

    ' MailDisable
    Set oRecipient = oPerson

    ' Save

    Set oPerson = Nothing
    Set oRecipient = Nothing

End Sub

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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