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Setting Proxy Addresses

Setting Proxy Addresses

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This example sets the proxy addresses for a mailbox-enabled user. When setting proxy addresses, you must specify a default proxy address by using all capital letters in one address. In the following example, the "X400" address is designated as the default proxy address.

Visual Basic

Sub SetProxyAddress(recipname As String, _
                    DomainName As String)

    'DomainName is something like "DC=MYDOMAIN3,DC=example,DC=com"
    'recipname is something like "jamessmith"

    Dim objPerson As New CDO.Person
    Dim objMailRecip As CDOEXM.IMailRecipient
    Dim i

    objPerson.DataSource.Open "LDAP://CN=" + recipname + _
                              ",CN=users," + DomainName

    'Capitalized proxy type for proxies(1) makes it the primary (reply) address.
    'the others are receive only.
    Dim proxies(3) As Variant
    proxies(0) = ""
    proxies(1) = ""
    proxies(2) = "X400:c=us;a= ;p=Domain;o=First Organization;s=user;"

    Set objMailRecip = objPerson
    objMailRecip.ProxyAddresses = proxies

    'look at the results
    Debug.Print Chr(13) + Chr(13) + Chr(13) + Chr(13) + Chr(13) 'add some space
    For i = LBound(objMailRecip.ProxyAddresses) To UBound(objMailRecip.ProxyAddresses)
      Debug.Print objMailRecip.ProxyAddresses(i)

    MsgBox "Proxy addresses for " + recipname + " set successfully"

End Sub

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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