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Workflow Process Definition

Workflow Process Definition

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The workflow process definition is the design that you create to control the flow of documents in your workflow folder. You can use the ProcessDefinition object directly in ASP applications and middle-tier components. The ProcessDefinition object encapsulates the business logic in its ActionTable Property and specifies which script file to use for conditions and actions that are executed at run time. In addition, you specify the security mode for your workflow and how you want to audit workflow processes. Workflow Designer for Exchange 2000 Server automatically generates the process definition from the diagram and script code that you create. For more information about action tables, see Defining the ActionTable.

The topics in this section demonstrate how to create a process definition and specify which script file to use.

Creating a ProcessDefinition Object

Specifying the Common Script File

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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