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Events Overview

Events Overview

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Exchange store events occur:

  • When Exchange store items are saved, deleted, moved, copied, or modified.
  • When a store is started or shut down.
  • When a specific time interval has elapsed.

You can write event sinks that can receive notification of these events.

Typical Applications

Typical applications that use event sinks include the following.


You can register to receive event notifications at specified times. You can use timers to synchronize information external to the store, to clean up the store periodically, to remind people of pending tasks, or to trigger batch processing.


You can register to receive an event notification, and use an event sink to notify other parties that the event has occurred.

Automatic Categorization

You can use event sinks to analyze and categorize items that are saved to the store. This ensures that data is properly stored and that information about the data is kept current.

Workflow Applications

You can register to receive event notifications when workflow items are moved in the Exchange store. The event sink can handle the workflow item programmatically as it proceeds along its workflow path.

Item Validation

Event sinks can validate or check items when they are saved to the store. The event sink might process a delete notification by checking a custom criterion to see if the person deleting the item has the rights to do so. When a save event occurs, you might check the formatting of the item being saved.

Store maintenance

Whenever an item is deleted from a particular location in the store, other items that are outside the Exchange store might need to be modified or deleted. You can program event sinks to handle these tasks automatically.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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