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ErrorsReturnedNotDisplayed Property

ErrorsReturnedNotDisplayed Property

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release. The ErrorsReturnedNotDisplayed property specifies whether low-level error information from the TreeView control will be returned in a ControlError Event or in a message box. When this property is set to the default value, which is False, low-level error information from the TreeView control is returned in a message box. When this property is set to True, low-level error information is returned in an error event. High-level error information from the TreeView control is always returned in an ControlError Event.

Applies To

ExchangeTreeViewControl Class


Visual Basic .NET

Property ErrorsReturnedNotDisplayed As Boolean


bool ErrorsReturnedNotDisplayed


If the value of this property is set to True, then low-level error information from the TreeView control is passed to the event handler method in the application, where it can be dealt with programmatically. High-level error information from the TreeView control is always returned in a ControlGeneratedError Event.

If the value of this property is set to False, then low-level error information from the TreeView control is returned in a message box. This is the default value.


Visual Basic .NET

In the following example, the ErrorsReturnedNotDisplayed property is set to True. Low-level error information will then be returned from the TreeView control in an ControlError Event.

myTreeViewControl.ErrorsReturnedNotDisplayed = False


In the following example, the ErrorsReturnedNotDisplayed property is set to True. Low-level error information will then be returned from the TreeView control in an ControlError Event.

myTreeViewControl.ErrorsReturnedNotDisplayed = False

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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