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Data Property

Data Property

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The Data property handles in-memory data that is stored between the begin phase and the commit/abort phase of synchronous events.

Applies To

IExStoreDispEventInfo Interface

Type Library

EXOLEDB Type Library

DLL Implemented In



[Visual Basic]Property Data As Long

[C++]HRESULT get_Data(LONG_PTRplData);
HRESULT put_Data(LONG_PTR plData);


  • plData
    A pointer to the memory when getting; the memory itself when putting.
  • plData
    Sets the value of the Data property to the value of the LONG_PTR.


This property is to be used with synchronous events where you want to save data during the begin phase and retrieve the data during the commit/abort phase.

See SetData Method and GetData Method for related methods.


Here is how you would use this from a Microsoft Visual Basic event sink:

[Visual Basic]

Private Sub IExStoreSyncEvents_OnSyncSave( _ ByVal pEventInfo As Exoledb.IExStoreEventInfo, _ ByVal bstrURLItem As String, _ ByVal lFlags As Long)

Dim DispInfo As IExStoreDispEventInfo
Dim lValue as long
Set DispInfo = pEventInfo
'In the begin phase you set data as follows
DispInfo.Data = lValue

'In the commit phase you get the data as follows
lValue = DispInfo.Data

End Sub

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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