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CDO BodyPart Fields and Streams

Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-12

Each body part has a set of fields and possibly some content. To access the fields for a body part, you use the Fields Property. To access the content of the body part, you use the GetEncodedContentStream Method and GetDecodedContentStream Method. Each method returns the content in either encoded or decoded format. To access the entire body part Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)-formatted stream, you use the GetStream Method. Each stream is returned in a Microsoft® ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO) Stream object. The following illustration shows the relationship of the Fields Property and the various streams associated with a body part.


Body part fields are not stored directly as fields for the item in the Exchange store; they are stored in the MIME-formatted message stream. To manipulate the fields for a body part, use a Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) Message object to open the item from the Exchange store.