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WebDAV Status Codes: 100s and 200s

Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-13

The following table lists the 100/200-level status codes returned by the Microsoft® Exchange Server 2007 WebDAV protocol service. Along with each status code or group of codes are the names of associated HTTP methods and a description of each status code.

Status Code Method(s) Description

All 100 level codes



100 Continue [HTTP]

The initial part of an incomplete request was accepted by the server. [HTTP]

101 Switching Protocols [HTTP]

The server will switch to a newer version, or real-time protocol, to continue. Used when an Upgrade header was included in the client request. [HTTP]

102 Processing [WebDAV]

MOVE Method, COPY Method

The status of ongoing processes, particularly those that use the Depth Header. The purpose of this code is to avoid having the client time out with an error. [WebDAV]

All 200 level codes



200 OK [HTTP]

GET Method, HEAD Method, OPTIONS Method, LOCK Method, POST Method, DELETE Method, POLL Method, SUBSCRIBE Method, UNSUBSCRIBE Method

A typical successful response for these methods in cases where no new resource is created. [HTTP]

TRACE Method

The trace was reflected back to the sender. [HTTP]


A possible successful response if all props were returned successfully or set. Not used in Microsoft implementations. See Code 207. [WebDAV]

201 Created [HTTP]

POST Method, PUT Method

The resource was created successfully. [HTTP] If the action cannot be completed immediately, a 202 must be returned instead. [HTTP/1.1]

MKCOL Method, MOVE Method

A collection was created successfully or a resource was moved successfully. [WebDAV]

LOCK Method

A lock was done on a null resource and the LOCK Method created the resource.

202 Accepted [HTTP]

DELETE Method, PUT Method, POST Method

The resource will be created or deleted, but this has not happened yet. [HTTP]

203 Non-authoritative Information [HTTP]


The metadata in the header did not come from the originating server. Used only when the response would otherwise be 200 OK. [HTTP] Use of this response code is not required. [HTTP/1.1]

204 No Content [HTTP]

POST Method, PUT Method, POLL Method

A standard success status code when no resource was created [HTTP]. The server has fulfilled the request but does not need to return an entity body, and might return updated metadata. [HTTP 1.1]

With PUT, the 204 response allows the server to send back an updated etag and other entity information about the resource that has been affected by the PUT operation. This allows the client to do the next PUT using the If-Match precondition to ensure that edits are not lost.

DELETE Method, UNLOCK Method

A standard success response. [WebDAV]

COPY Method, MOVE Method

The source resource was copied successfully or moved to a pre-existing destination resource. [HTTP]

205 Reset Content [HTTP]

The server has fulfilled the request and the client should reset the document view. Must not include an entity. [HTTP]

206 Partial Content [HTTP]

GET Method

Some of the resource was returned; the Range Header indicates how much. [HTTP]

207 Multi-Status [HTTP]


A typical successful response. [WebDAV]

COPY Method, MOVE Method

An error in executing the COPY Method occurred with a resource other than the request Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). 424 and 201 responses should not be values in 207 Multi-Status responses to the COPY Method. [WebDAV]

LOCK Method

The LOCK method was used to perform a multi-resource lock request. [WebDAV]

210 Content Different

PUT Method, MOVE Method, COPY Method

In a WebDAV replication context, there is mismatch between the content and/or properties on the client resource and the content and/or properties on the sever resource, reflected by the resourcetag. See HTTP and WebDAV Methods for Replication.