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Exchange Store Events Sample Application

Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-12

You can respond programmatically to an event that fires in the Exchange store by implementing an event sink. With event sinks, you can write your own custom logic that executes on the server in response to changes in the data in the Exchange store.

Exchange Store Events Sample Components

The Exchange Store Events sample application includes the source code for two Microsoft® ActiveX® dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) holding the sample event sinks. One is implemented in Microsoft Visual Basic® and one is implemented in Microsoft Visual C++®. In each dynamic-link library (DLL), the following methods are implemented: OnSave Method, OnDelete Method, OnSyncSave Method, OnSyncDelete Method, OnMDBStartUp Method, OnMDBShutDown Method, OnTimer Method. When the event sinks are triggered, a notification e-mail is sent to the "sampleuser" account on the Microsoft Exchange 2000 server.

Also included in the Exchange Store Events sample application is the source code for a Visual Basic executable, EventSampleVB.exe, which is used to register, unregister, or disable an event sink.


This sample application is intended for instructional purposes and is not meant to be installed in a production environment.