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Navigating the Create New Appointment Sample Application Source Code

Topic Last Modified: 2007-04-17

CreateAppointment.cpp contains the source code for the Create New Appointment sample application and is installed in the directory in which the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Software Development Kit (SDK) is installed, in the \Samples\CreateNewAppointment\ folder. The following table lists the functions that are relevant to creating a new appointment.

Function Description

main(int argc, char* argv[])

Functions as the main entry point for the application. This application creates a new appointment within the user's calendar.

ConnectToMailbox(bstr_t mailTo)

Connects to the user's mailbox.

CreateAppointment(DATE startTime, DATE endTime,bstr_t subject,bstr_t location,bstr_t textbody, const IMailboxPtr& iMailbox)

Creates an appointment in the user's Calendar mailbox folder.