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Conversation State Transitions - Inbound

The Conversation state transitions for inbound calls are shown in the following illustration.


  1. The transition from Incoming to Establishing occurs when Call.BeginAccept is called on the incoming call that is bound to the conversation.

  2. The transition from Incoming to Conferencing occurs when Conversation.ConferenceSession.BeginJoin is called.

  3. The transition from Establishing to Established occurs when the first call is successfully established. (Call.EndAccept completes.)

  4. The transition from Establishing to Terminating occurs when auto-termination is triggered and all conditions are satisfied. For details, see the explanation immediately following this list.

  5. The transition from Conferencing to Idle occurs when there is a conference failure.

  6. The transition from Established to Terminating occurs when Conversation.BeginTerminate is called or auto-termination is triggered and all conditions are satisfied. For details, see the explanation immediately following this list.

  7. The transition from Established to Conferencing occurs when Conversation.ConferenceSession.BeginJoin is called to escalate the conversation to a conference.

  8. The transition from Conferencing to Terminating occurs when Conversation.BeginTerminate is called.

  9. The transition from Conferencing to Established occurs when established calls cannot be escalated.

  10. The transition from Incoming to Terminating occurs when Conversation.BeginTerminate is called or when auto-termination is triggered and all conditions are satisfied. For details, see the explanation immediately following this list.

  11. The transition from Establishing to Idle occurs when a call is terminated while there are other calls that are about to be established.

  12. The transition from Conferencing to Establishing occurs when a conference failure occurs with no calls in the Established state, but at least one call in the Establishing state.

  13. The transition from Conferencing to InLobby occurs when a participant is placed into the lobby of a conference during conference join.

  14. The transition from InLobby to Idle occurs when a conferencing failure occurs while a participant is in the InLobby state.

  15. The transition from Conferencing to Conferenced occurs when the calls are successfully escalated or the conversation is successfully joined to the conference session.

  16. The transition from InLobby to Conferenced occurs when a presenter admits a participant from the lobby into the conference.

  17. The transition from Conferenced to Terminating occurs when Conversation.BeginTerminate is called.

  18. The transition from InLobby to Terminating occurs when Conversation.BeginTerminate is called while the participant is in the lobby.

  19. The transition from Terminating to Terminated occurs when Conversation.EndTerminate completes.

  20. The transition from Idle to Terminating occurs when auto-termination is triggered and all conditions are satisfied. For details, see the explanation immediately following this list.

Auto-termination occurs when all three of the following conditions are satisfied.

  1. All calls bound to the Conversation instance are in the Idle state.

  2. The state of the ConferenceSession instance that is bound to the Conversation instance is neither Connecting nor Connected.

  3. The conversation does not involve an MCU.