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HyperlinkAddress Property

Returns or sets the URL or UNC path of a document. Read/write String.


The following example adds a hyperlink to all tasks in the active project, including tasks in subprojects.

Sub AddHyperlink()
    Dim T As Task
    For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks
        If Not (T Is Nothing) Then
            T.Hyperlink = "Microsoft"
            T.HyperlinkAddress = ""
        End If
    Next T
End Sub

Applies to | Assignment Object, Assignments Collection Object | Resource Object, Resources Collection Object | Task Object, Tasks Collection Object

See Also | EditClearHyperlink Method | EditHyperlink Method | EditPasteAsHyperlink Method | Hyperlink Property | HyperlinkHREF Property | HyperlinkScreenTip Property | HyperlinkSubAddress Property | InsertHyperlink Method