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vAlign Property

Sets or returns a String that represents the vertical position of a table caption or the vertical position of text within an element.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The vAlign property for the FPHTMLTableCaption and ITHMLTableCaption objects can be one of the following String values.

top Places the caption at the top of the table. (Default.)
bottom Places the caption at the bottom of the table.

The vAlign property for all other objects in the Applies To list.

middle Aligns the text in the middle of the object. (Default.)
center Aligns the text in the middle of the object.
baseline Aligns the base line of the first line of text with the base lines in adjacent objects.
bottom Aligns the text at the bottom of the object.
top Aligns the text at the top of the object.


The following example places the caption in the first table in the active document below the table.

Dim objTable As FPHTMLTable
Dim objCaption As FPHTMLTableCaption

Set objTable = ActiveDocument.all.tags("table").Item(0)
Set objCaption = objTable.Caption

objCaption.vAlign = "bottom"

Applies to | FPHTMLTableCaption Object | FPHTMLTableCell Object | FPHTMLTableCol Object | FPHTMLTableRow Object | FPHTMLTableSection Object | IHTMLTableCaption Object | IHTMLTableCell Object | IHTMLTableCol Object | IHTMLTableRow Object | IHTMLTableSection Object