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DistanceFromTop Property

Returns or sets the space (in points) between the text and the top border. Read/write Long.

Note  Using this property with a page border, you can set either the space between the text and the top page border or the space between the top edge of the page and the top page border. Where the distance is measured from depends on the value of the DistanceFrom property.


This example adds a border around each paragraph in the selection and sets the distance between the text and the top border to 3 points.

With Selection.Borders
    .Enable = True
    .DistanceFromTop = 3
End With

This example adds a border around each page in the first section in the selection. The example also sets the distance between the text and the page border to 6 points.

Dim borderLoop As Border

With Selection.Sections(1)
    For Each borderLoop In .Borders
        borderLoop.ArtStyle = wdArtSeattle
        borderLoop.ArtWidth = 22
    Next borderLoop
    With .Borders
        .DistanceFrom = wdBorderDistanceFromText
        .DistanceFromTop = 6
        .DistanceFromLeft = 6
        .DistanceFromBottom = 6
        .DistanceFromRight = 6
    End With
End With

Applies to | Borders Collection Object

See Also | DistanceFrom Property | DistanceFromBottom Property | DistanceFromLeft Property | DistanceFromRight Property