Tags Property

Returns a Tags object that represents the tags for the specified object. Read-only.


Note  Tag values are added and stored in uppercase text. You should perform tests on tag values using uppercase text, as shown in the second example.

This example adds a tag named "REGION" and a tag named "PRIORITY" to slide one in the active presentation.

With Application.ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Tags
    .Add "Region", "East"     'Adds "Region" tag with value "East"
    .Add "Priority", "Low"    'Adds "Priority" tag with value "Low"
End With

This example searches through the tags for each slide in the active presentation. If there's a tag named "PRIORITY," a message box displays the tag value. If the object doesn't have a tag named "PRIORITY," the example adds this tag with the value "Unknown."

For Each s In Application.ActivePresentation.Slides
    With s.Tags
        found = False
        For i = 1 To .Count
          If .Name(i) = "PRIORITY" Then
              found = True
              slNum = .Parent.SlideIndex
              MsgBox "Slide " & slNum & " Priority: " & .Value(i)
          End If
        If Not found Then
          slNum = .Parent.SlideIndex
          .Add "Priority", "Unknown"
          MsgBox "Slide " & slNum & " Priority tag added: Unknown"
        End If
    End With

Applies to | Presentation Object | Shape Object | ShapeRange Collection Object | Slide Object | SlideRange Collection Object

See Also | CustomDocumentProperties Property