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Import Method [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Imports a file into the current document.

objRet = object**.Import**(fileName)

objRet     A Shape object that represents the new shape imported from the file.

object     Required. An expression that returns the Page, Master, or Shape object to receive the new shape.

fileName     Required String. The name of the file to import; must be a fully qualified path.

Version added



The Import method imports the file specified by fileName onto a page, or into a master or group.

The file extension indicates which import filter to use. If the filter is not installed, the Import method returns an error. The Import method uses the default preference settings for the specified filter and does not prompt the user for non-default arguments.


This Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro shows how to use the Import method to import a bitmap image onto the drawing page. This example assumes that there is a file with the name sampleImage.bmp on the C: drive of your computer.

Public Sub Import_Example()

    ActivePage.Import ("C:\sampleImage.bmp")
End Sub

Applies to | Master object | Page object | Shape object

See Also | Export method