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SetFilterSRC Method [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Specifies an array of cell ranges and a True or False value indicating how to filter events for each cell range.


object     Required. An expression that returns an Event object.

SRCStream     Required Integer. An array of cell ranges and a True or False value specifying how to filter events for each range.

Version added



When an Event object created with the AddAdvise method is added to the EventList collection of a source object, the default behavior is that all occurrences of that event are passed to the event sink. The SetFilterSRC method provides a way to ignore selected events based on a range of cells.

The SRCStream argument passed to SetFilterCommands is an array defined in the following manner:

The number of elements in the array is a multiple of 7:

  • The first three elements describe the section, row, and cell of the beginning cell of the range.
  • The next three elements describe the section, row, and cell of the end cell of the range.
  • The last element contains a True or False value indicating how to filter events for the cell range (True to listen to events for a range of cells; False to exclude events for a range of cells).

For an event to successfully pass through a cell range filter, it must satisfy the following criteria:

  • It must be a valid section, row, cell reference.
  • If all filters are True, the event must match at least one filter.
  • If all filters are False, the event must not match any filter.
  • If the filters are a mixture of True and False, the event must match at least one True filter and not match any False filters.

If there are no True ranges defined in the array, events are considered True.

For example, if you want to listen for any changes in the Value cell of the second row in the Custom Property section, use the following:

    Dim aFilterSRC(1 To (1 * 7)) As Integer 
    aFilterSRC(1) = visSectionProp 
    aFilterSRC(2) = visRowProp + 1 
    aFilterSRC(3) = visCustPropsValue 
    aFilterSRC(4) = visSectionProp 
    aFilterSRC(5) = visRowProp + 1 
    aFilterSRC(6) = visCustPropsValue 
    aFilterSRC(7) = True

Applies to | Event object

See Also | SetFilterCommands method | SetFilterObjects method