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TypeSpecific2 Property [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Gets or sets the type of a menu, menu item, or toolbar item.

intVal = object**.TypeSpecific2**

object**.TypeSpecific2** = intExpression

intVal     Integer. The type of menu, menu item, or toolbar.

object     Required. An expression that returns a Menu, MenuItem, or ToolbarItem object.

intExpression     Required Integer. The new type of menu, menu item, or toolbar item.

Version added



The value of an object's TypeSpecific2 property depends on the value of its CntrlType property.

CntrlType value TypeSpecific1 value


The TypeSpecific2 property is not used.


The current width of the control expressed in pixels.


The TypeSpecific2 property is not used.

Applies to | Menu object | MenuItem object | ToolbarItem object

See Also | CntrlType property | TypeSpecific1 property