CustomFieldIndicators Method

Sets options for graphical indicators for a custom field.


expression**.CustomFieldIndicators(FieldID, SummaryInheritsNonsummary, ProjectInheritsSummary, ShowToolTips)**

*expression   *     Optional. An expression that returns an Application object.


pjCustomProjectEntCost1-10 pjCustomResourceOutlineCode1-10
pjCustomProjectEntDate1-30 pjCustomResourceStart1-10
pjCustomProjectEntDuration1-10 pjCustomResourceText1-30
pjCustomProjectEntFlag1-20 pjCustomTaskCost1-10
pjCustomProjectEntNumber1-40 pjCustomTaskDate1-10
pjCustomProjectEntOutlineCode1-30 pjCustomTaskDuration1-10
pjCustomProjectEnt1-40 pjCustomTaskEntCost1-10
pjCustomResourceCost1-10 pjCustomTaskEntDate1-30
pjCustomResourceDate1-10 pjCustomTaskEntDuration1-10
pjCustomResourceDuration1-10 pjCustomTaskEntFlag1-20
pjCustomResourceEntCost1-10 pjCustomTaskEntNumber1-40
pjCustomResourceEntDate1-30 pjCustomTaskEntOutlineCode1-30
pjCustomResourceEntDuration1-10 pjCustomTaskEntText1-40
pjCustomResourceEntFlag1-20 pjCustomTaskFinish1-10
pjCustomResourceEntNumber1-40 pjCustomTaskFlag1-20
pjCustomResourceEntOutlineCode1-30 pjCustomTaskNumber1-20
pjCustomResourceEntText1-40 pjCustomTaskOutlineCode1-10
pjCustomResourceFinish1-10 pjCustomTaskStart1-10
pjCustomResourceFlag1-20 pjCustomTaskText1-30

SummaryInheritsNonsummary    Optional Boolean. True if summary rows use the same test criteria for displaying graphical indicators and use the same images as non-summary rows. False if graphical indicators for summary rows are based on a different set of comparison tests and values and use different images than non-summary rows.

ProjectInheritsSummary    Optional Boolean. True if the project summary row uses the same test criteria for displaying graphical indicators and uses the same images as summary rows. False if graphical indicators for the project summary row are based on a different set of comparison tests and values and use different images than other summary rows.

ShowToolTips    Optional Boolean. True if pausing the mouse over a graphical indicator in a custom field displays a ToolTip with the actual data for the custom field.

Applies to | Application Object

See Also | CustomFieldIndicatorAdd Method | CustomFieldIndicatorDelete Method | CustomFieldProperties Method