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Getting Assistance [Office 2003 SDK Documentation]

There are several places that you can find additional help as you develop your smart documents. Following is a list of possible resources.

Resource Description
Microsoft Office 2003 Smart Tag Software Development Kit Provides additional information about creating smart tag recognizers as well as using the smart tag API.
Microsoft Office Word 2003 XML Content Development Kit Provides information about how to work with XML in Microsoft Office Word 2003. Contains information about the Word XML Schema and using custom schemas inside Word documents.
Office Developer Center Located on MSDNĀ®, the Microsoft Developer Network, the Office Developer Center has articles, tools, tips, and tricks specifically for Office solution developers. There are many articles about smart document development that you can use in addition to the Office 2003 Smart Document Software Development Kit to help you with your smart document development.
Microsoft Product Support Provides information, access to Knowledge Base articles, downloads for updates and security patches, and other resources. You can get help with developing smart documents from a support person by phone or from a Microsoft Most Valued Professional (MVP) in one of the newsgroups. For more information, visit the Microsoft Product Support Web site.