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LinkSuccessors Method

Adds successors to a task.


expression**.LinkSuccessors(Tasks, Link, Lag)**

*expression   *     Required. An expression that returns a Task object.

Tasks    Required Object. The Task or Tasks object specified becomes a successor of the task specified with expression.

Link    Optional Long. A constant that specifies the relationship between tasks that become linked. Can be one of the following PjTaskLinkType constants: pjFinishToStart, pjStartToFinish, pjStartToStart, or pjFinishToFinish. The default value is pjFinishToStart.

Lag    Optional Variant. A string that specifies the duration of lag time between linked tasks. To specify lead time between tasks, use an expression for Lag that evaluates to a negative value.

Applies to | Task Object, Tasks Collection Object

See Also | LinkPredecessors Method | Successors Property | SuccessorTasks Property | UnlinkPredecessors Method | UnlinkSuccessors Method