Message Method

Displays a message in a message box.


expression**.Message(Message, Type, YesText, NoText)**

*expression   *     Optional. An expression that returns an Application object.

Message    Required String. The message to display in the dialog box.

Type    Optional Long. The buttons to include in the message dialog box. Can be one of the following PjMessageType constants: pjOKOnly, pjOKCancel, pjYesNo, or pjYesNoCancel. The default value is pjOKOnly.

YesText    Optional String. The text to be displayed on the Yes button. The YesText argument is ignored unless Type is pjYesNo or pjYesNoCancel. The default value is "Yes".

NoText    Optional String. The text to be displayed on the No button. The NoText argument is ignored unless Type is pjYesNo or pjYesNoCancel. The default value is "No".


The Message method is provided for compatibility with the macro language used in Microsoft Project version 3.x.

Applies to | Application Object