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Compiled Property

True if the specified add-in is a Word add-in library (WLL). False if the add-in is a template. Read-only Boolean.


This example determines how many WLLs are currently loaded.

count = 0
For Each aAddin in Addins
    If aAddin.Compiled = True And aAddin.Installed = True Then
        count = count + 1
    End If
Next aAddin
MsgBox Str(count) & " WLL's are loaded"

If the first add-in is a template, this example unloads the template and opens it.

If Addins(1).Compiled = False Then 
    Addins(1).Installed = False
    Documents.Open FileName:=AddIns(1).Path _
        & Application.PathSeparator _
        & AddIns(1).Name
End If

Applies to | AddIn Object

See Also | AddIns Property