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SpatialSearch Property [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Returns a Selection object whose shapes meet certain criteria in relation to a point that is expressed in the coordinate space of a page, master, or group.

objRet = object**.SpatialSearch**(x, y, relation, tolerance, flags)**

objRet     A Selection object.

object     Required. An expression that returns a Page, Master, or Shape object.

x     Required Double; x-coordinate.

y     Required Double, y-coordinate.

relation     Required Integer. Any combination of the values of the constants visSpatialContainedIn and visSpatialTouching.

tolerance     Required Double. A distance in internal drawing units with respect to the coordinate space.

flags     Required Integer. Flags that influence the result.

Version added



  • The relation argument can be any combination of the constants defined in VisSpatialRelationCodes. If relation is not specified, the SpatialSearch property uses both relationships as criteria.

  • The flags argument can be any combination of the values of the constants defined in VisSpatialRelationFlags in the Visio type library.

    Use the NoShow cell to determine whether a Geometry section is hidden or visible. Hidden Geometry section sections have a value of TRUE and visible Geometry sections have a value of FALSE in the NoShow cell.

    Beginning with Microsoft Visio 2002, if flags contains VisSpatialFrontToBack, items in the Selection object returned by the SpatialNeighbors property are ordered front to back. If visSpatialBackToFront is set, the items returned are ordered back to front. If this flag is not set, or if you are running an earlier version of Visio, the order is unpredictable. You can determine the order by using the Index property of the shapes identified in the Selection object*.*

Note   When it compares two shapes, the SpatialSearch property does not consider the width of a shape's line, shadows, line ends, control points, or connection points.

Applies to | Master object | Page object | Shape object

See Also | DistanceFromPoint property | SpatialNeighbors property | SpatialRelation property