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AddLinks Method

The AddLinks method creates new links between an object and an array of objects.


Sub AddLinks(ByVal dwObj1   As Unsigned Long, ByVal vObj2, ByVal vLinkType)


dwObj1     Required. Integer that specifies the first object, by its reference ID.

vObj2     Required. Array of integers that specifies the list of second objects, by each object's reference ID.

vLinkType     Optional. Array of integers that specifies the LinkType. The default value is 1. The meaning of link types is as follows:

1 General relationship
2 Tasks are affected by issue
3 Tasks as action items for an issue
4 Tasks are affected by risk
5 Tasks are triggers for the risk
6 Tasks are part of the mitigation plan
7 Tasks are part of the contingency plan

Return Values



Only one link type can exist for each pair of objects. The parameters dwObj1 and dwObj2 can be placed in either order and are equivalent. The pair will only exist in one row in the table.

If a link type between a pair of objects already exists, the AddLinks method does not update the link type.

You can define new link types for custom solutions.

See Also

AddLink Method

Applies To

IObjLinkProvider Interface

Additional Information

Object Link Provider Reference for Microsoft Office Project Server