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Merge Method

Creates a merged cell from the specified range. When you create a merged cell, the value in the upper-left cell in the specified range is used for the merged cell value. All other cell values in the merged cell are ignored.


*expression   * An expression that returns a Range object. This method fails if the range only partially encloses a previously merged cell.

Across   Optional Variant. True to merge cells in each row in the specified range as separate merged cells. The default value is False.


This example creates a merged cell from the range B2:C5 and puts a thick red border around the merged cell.

Sub Merge_Cells() Dim ssConstants Dim rngMerged Set ssConstants = Spreadsheet1.Constants ' Merge cells B2:C5. Spreadsheet1.ActiveSheet.Range("B2:C5").Merge ' Set a variable to the merged range. Set rngMerged = Spreadsheet1.ActiveSheet.Range("B2").MergeArea ' Format the merged cell. rngMerged.Borders.Color = "Red" rngMerged.Borders.Weight = ssConstants.owcLineWeightThick rngMerged.HorizontalAlignment = ssConstants.xlHAlignCenter rngMerged.VerticalAlignment = ssConstants.xlVAlignCenter End Sub

Applies to | Range Object

See Also | UnMerge Method