Item types and message classes [Outlook 2003 Forms Help]
The type of an item is defined by its Type property. The message class for an item is defined by its MessageClass property.
Message class ID | Item type is used to |
IPM.Activity | Create journal entries. |
IPM.Appointment | Create appointments. |
IPM.Contact | Create contacts. |
IPM.DistList | Create distribution lists |
IPM.Document | Create documents. |
IPM.OLE.Class | Create the exception item of a recurrence series. |
IPM | If the specified form cannot be found. |
IPM.Note | Create e-mail messages. |
IPM.Note.IMC.Notification | Create a report from the Internet Mail Connect (the Exchange Server gateway to the Internet). |
IPM.Note.Rules.Oof.Template.Microsoft | Show out-of-office templates. |
IPM.Post | Post a note in a folder. |
IPM.StickyNote | Create a note. |
IPM.Recall.Report | Create a message recall report. |
IPM.Outlook.Recall | Retrieve sent messages from recipient Inboxes. |
IPM.Remote | Represent a Remote Mail message header. |
IPM.Note.Rules.ReplyTemplate.Microsoft | Edit rule reply templates. |
IPM.Report | Report item status. |
IPM.Resend | Resend a failed message. |
IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Canceled | Send meeting cancellations. |
IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request | Create meeting requests. |
IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg | Create decline meeting responses. |
IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos | Create accept meeting responses. |
IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Tent | Create tentative meeting responses. |
IPM.Note.Secure | Send encrypted notes to other people. |
IPM.Note.Secure.Sign | Send digitally signed notes to other people. |
IPM.Task | Create tasks. |
IPM.TaskRequest.Accept | Create accept task request responses. |
IPM.TaskRequest.Decline | Create decline task request responses. |
IPM.TaskRequest | Create task requests. |
IPM.TaskRequest.Update | Create updates to requested tasks. |