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SmartDocXmlTypeName Property [Office 2003 SDK Documentation]

The SmartDocXMLTypeName specifies the name of an element for which smart document actions are defined. The format for this name is namespace#xmlelementname.

Note  To specify that a control is a default control and applies to all elements in a smart document, you can use #actionPertainsToEntireSchema for the element name (#xmlelementname as shown above).

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[Visual Basic 6.0]

Private Property Get ISmartDocument_SmartDocXmlTypeName(ByVal XMLTypeID As Long) As String

[Visual Basic .NET]

Public ReadOnly Property SmartDocXmlTypeName(ByVal XMLTypeID As Integer) As String Implements Microsoft.Office.Interop.SmartTag.ISmartDocument.SmartDocXmlTypeName


public string ISmartDocument.get_SmartDocXmlTypeName(int XMLTypeID)

[Visual C++ 6.0]

STDMETHOD(get_SmartDocXmlTypeName)(INT XMLTypeID, BSTR * Name)

[Visual C++ .Net]

STDMETHOD(get_SmartDocXmlTypeName)(int XMLTypeID, BSTR * Name)


XMLTypeID   Represents a unique ID for an element that has one or more associated actions. Microsoft Office 2003 automatically assigns this number according to the number of types that are specified in the SmartDocXmlTypeCount property.