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Priority Property


Constant Numeric equivalent
pjPriorityDoNotLevel 1000
pjPriorityHighest 900
pjPriorityVeryHigh 800
pjPriorityHigher 700
pjPriorityHigh 600
pjPriorityMedium 500
pjPriorityLow 400
pjPriorityLower 300
pjPriorityVeryLow 200
pjPriorityLowest 100


Microsoft Office Project 2003 uses this property to determine how to treat tasks when leveling resources across multiple projects. If two projects have equivalent priorities, the Priority property for individual tasks is used.


The following example sets the tasks on the critical path to the highest priority in the active project.

Sub SetPriorityOfCriticalTasks()

    Dim T As Task     ' Task object used in For Each loop

    ' Look for tasks on the critical path.
    For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks
        If T.Critical = True Then
            T.Priority = 900
        End If
    Next T

End Sub

Applies to | Task Object, Tasks Collection Object

See Also | Subproject Property | WBS Property