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UniqueID Property

Assignment, Project, Resource, or Task object: Returns the unique identification number of an assignment, project, resource, or task (Syntax 1). Read-only Long.

Assignments, Resources, or Tasks collection: Returns an Assignment, Resource, or Task object from its containing collection (Syntax 2).

Syntax 1


expression     Required. An expression that returns an Assignment, Project, Resource, or Task object.

Syntax 2


expression     Required. An expression that returns an Assignments, Resources, or Tasks collection.

Index Required Long. The position of the object within its containing collection.

Applies to | Assignment Object, Assignments Collection Object | LookupTableEntry Object | Project Object, Projects Collection Object | Resource Object, Resources Collection Object | Task Object, Tasks Collection Object

See Also | Assignments Property | ID Property | ResourceUniqueID Property | TaskUniqueID Property | UniqueIDPredecessors Property | UniqueIDSuccessors Property | UnlinkTasks Method