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ShowImportWebPackageDialog Method

Returns a Boolean that indicates whether the method successfully added the specified Web package.

expression.ShowImportWebPackageDialog(packageFileName, urlImportedTo)

*expression   * Required. An expression that returns an Application object.

packageFileName    Required String. The path and file name of the Web package to import.

urlImportedTo    Required String. The path and file name of where to import the Web package.


You can import Web packages only into Web sites based on Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services.


The following example displays the Import Web Package dialog box, and then indicates whether the specified Web package was added successfully to the specified Web site.

Dim blnResponse As Boolean

blnResponse = Application.ShowImportWebPackageDialog _
    ("c:\NewWebPackage.fwp", ActiveWeb.Url)

If blnResponse = True Then
    MsgBox "The Web package was added successfully."
    MsgBox "Unable to add the Web package to the specified site." _
        & vbCrLf & "Contact your administrator for assistance."
End If

Applies to | Application Object