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ReadOnly Property

Returns a Boolean that determines if a specified field has read-only permissions. If True, the field cannot be modified by the user. Read-only.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The following example stores the names and default values of all fields with read-only permissions in the first list of the active Web site. If the active Web site contains no lists, a message is displayed to the user.

Sub FieldPermissions()
'Displays read/write permissions of all
'fields in the list.

    Dim objApp As FrontPage.Application
    Dim objField As ListField
    Dim objFields As listFields
    Dim strPerms As String

    Set objApp = FrontPage.Application
    Set objFields = objApp.ActiveWeb.Lists.Item(0).Fields

    If Not ActiveWeb.Lists Is Nothing Then
        For Each objField In objFields
             'If field is read-only, add to list
             If objField.ReadOnly = True Then
                If strPerms = "" Then
                    'if first value in string
                    strPerms = objField.Name & "  -  " & _
                    objField.DefaultValue & vbCr
                    'add value to string
                    strType = strPerms & objField.Name & "  -  " & _
                    objField.DefaultValue & vbCr
                End If
             End If
        Next objField
        'display message to user
        MsgBox "The active Web site contains no lists."
    End If
End Sub

Applies to | FPHTMLInputTextElement Object | FPHTMLStyleSheet Object | FPHTMLTextAreaElement Object | IHTMLInputTextElement Object | IHTMLStyleSheet Object | IHTMLStyleSheetRule Object | IHTMLTextAreaElement Object