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BeginCustomUndoAction Method [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Specifies the starting point and label (textual description) of a group of actions that are wrapped to create a single undo action. The ****

Visit EndCustomUndoAction

method is used to specify the end point of the actions used to create the single undo action. The wrapped group of actions can be undone with a single undo.


expression Required. An expression that returns a Document object.

ActionName  Required String. The label that corresponds to the single undo action. This label appears when you click the arrow beside the Undo button on the Standard toolbar.


The following methods of the Document object are disabled within a custom undo action. A run-time error is returned if any of these methods are called within a custom undo action:

  • Document.Close
  • Document.MailMerge.DataSource.Close
  • Document.PrintOut
  • Document.Redo
  • Document.Save
  • Document.SaveAs
  • Document.Undo
  • Document.UndoClear
  • Document.UpdateOLEObjects

The BeginCustomUndoAction method must be called before the EndCustomUndoAction method is called. A run-time error is returned if EndCustomUndoAction is called before BeginCustomUndoAction.

Nesting a custom undo action within another custom undo action is allowed, but the nested custom undo action will have no effect. Only the outermost custom undo action will be active.


The following example contains two custom undo actions. The first one is created on the first page of the active publication. The BeginCustomUndoAction method is used to specify the point at which the custom undo action should begin. Six individual actions are performed, and then they are wrapped into one action with the call to EndCustomUndoAction.

The text in the text frame that was created within the first custom undo action is then tested to determine whether the font is Verdana. If not, the Undo method is called with ****

Visit UndoActionsAvailable

passed as a parameter. In this case there is only one undo action available. So, the call to Undo Method will only undo one action, but this one action has wrapped six actions into one.

A second undo action is then created, and it could also be undone later with a single undo operation.

Dim thePage As page
Dim theShape As Shape
Dim theDoc As Publisher.Document

Set theDoc = ActiveDocument
Set thePage = theDoc.Pages(1)

With theDoc
    ' The following six actions are wrapped to create one
    ' custom undo action named "Add Rectangle and Courier Text".
    .BeginCustomUndoAction ("Add Rectangle and Courier Text")
    With thePage
        Set theShape = .Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, _
            75, 75, 190, 30)
        With theShape.TextFrame.TextRange
             .Font.Size = 14
             .Font.Bold = msoTrue
             .Font.Name = "Courier"
             .Text = "This font is Courier."
        End With
     End With
    If Not thePage.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = "Verdana" Then
        ' This call to Undo will undo all actions that are available.
        ' In this case, there is only one action that can be undone.
        .Undo (.UndoActionsAvailable)
        ' A new custom undo action is created with a name of
        ' "Add Balloon and Verdana Text".
        .BeginCustomUndoAction ("Add Balloon and Verdana Text")
        With thePage
            Set theShape = .Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeBalloon, _
                75, 75, 190, 30)
            With theShape.TextFrame.TextRange
                .Font.Size = 11
                .Font.Name = "Verdana"
                .Text = "This font is Verdana."
            End With
        End With
    End If
End With

Applies to | Document Object