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Distribute Method [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Evenly distributes the shapes in the specified shape range.

expression.Distribute(DistributeCmd, RelativeTo)

expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


MsoDistributeCmd can be one of these MsoDistributeCmd constants.


MsoTriState can be one of these MsoTriState constants.
msoCTrue Not used with this method.
msoFalse Distribute the shapes within the horizontal or vertical space that the range of shapes originally occupies.
msoTriStateMixed Not used with this method.
msoTriStateToggle Not used with this method.
msoTrue Distribute the shapes evenly over the entire horizontal or vertical space on the page.


Shapes are distributed so that there is an equal amount of space between one shape and the next. If the shapes are so large that they overlap when distributed over the available space, they are distributed so that there is an equal amount of overlap between one shape and the next.

When RelativeTo is msoTrue, shapes are distributed so that the distance between the two outer shapes and the edges of the page is the same as the distance between one shape and the next. If the shapes must overlap, the two outer shapes are moved to the edges of the page.

When RelativeTo is msoFalse, the two outer shapes are not moved; only the positions of the inner shapes are adjusted.

The z-order of shapes is unaffected by this method.


This example defines a shape range that contains all the AutoShapes on the first page of the active publication and then horizontally distributes the shapes in this range.

' Number of shapes on the page.
Dim intShapes As Integer
' Number of AutoShapes on the page.
Dim intAutoShapes As Integer
' An array of the names of the AutoShapes.
Dim arrAutoShapes() As String
' A looping variable.
Dim shpLoop As Shape
' A placeholder variable for the range containing AutoShapes.
Dim shpRange As ShapeRange

With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes
    ' Count all the shapes on the page.
    intShapes = .Count

    ' Proceed only if there's at least one shape.
    If intShapes > 1 Then
        intAutoShapes = 0
        ReDim arrAutoShapes(1 To intShapes)

        ' Loop through the shapes on the page and add the names
        ' of any AutoShapes to an array.
        For Each shpLoop In ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes
            If shpLoop.Type = msoAutoShape Then
                intAutoShapes = intAutoShapes + 1
                arrAutoShapes(intAutoShapes) = shpLoop.Name
            End If
        Next shpLoop

        ' Proceed only if there's at least one AutoShape.
        If intAutoShapes > 1 Then
            ReDim Preserve arrAutoShapes(1 To intAutoShapes)

            ' Create a shape range containing all the AutoShapes.
            Set shpRange = .Range(Index:=arrAutoShapes)

            ' Distribute the AutoShapes horizontally
            ' in the space they already occupy.
            shpRange.Distribute _
                DistributeCmd:=msoDistributeHorizontally, RelativeTo:=msoFalse
        End If
    End If
End With

Applies to | ShapeRange Collection