Type Property
Type property as it applies to the CommandBar object.
MsoBarType can be one of these MsoBarType constants. |
msoBarTypeMenuBar |
msoBarTypeNormal |
msoBarTypePopup |
*expression * Required. An expression that returns a CommandBar object.
Type property as it applies to the CommandBarButton, CommandBarComboBox, CommandBarControl, and CommandBarPopup objects.
MsoControlType can be one of these MsoControlType constants. |
msoControlActiveX |
msoControlAutoCompleteCombo |
msoControlButton |
msoControlButtonDropdown |
msoControlButtonPopup |
msoControlComboBox |
msoControlCustom |
msoControlDropdown |
msoControlEdit |
msoControlExpandingGrid |
msoControlGauge |
msoControlGenericDropdown |
msoControlGraphicCombo |
msoControlGraphicDropdown |
msoControlGraphicPopup |
msoControlGrid |
msoControlLabel |
msoControlLabelEx |
msoControlOCXDropdown |
msoControlPane |
msoControlPopup |
msoControlSpinner |
msoControlSplitButtonMRUPopup |
msoControlSplitButtonPopup |
msoControlSplitDropdown |
msoControlSplitExpandingGrid |
msoControlWorkPane |
*expression * Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Type property as it applies to the SearchScope object.
MsoSearchIn can be one of these MsoSearchIn constants. |
msoSearchInCustom |
msoSearchInMyComputer |
msoSearchInMyNetworkPlaces |
msoSearchInOutlook |
*expression * Required. An expression that returns a SearchScope object.
Type property as it applies to the DocumentProperty object.
Returns or sets the document property type. Read-only for built-in document properties; read/write for custom document properties.
*expression * Required. An expression that returns a DocumentProperty object.
MsoDocProperties can be one of these MsoDocProperties constants. |
msoPropertyTypeBoolean |
msoPropertyTypeDate |
msoPropertyTypeFloat |
msoPropertyTypeNumber |
msoPropertyTypeString |
As it applies to the CommandBar object.
This example finds the first control on the command bar named Custom. Using the Type property, the example determines whether the control is a button. If the control is a button, the example copies the face of the Copy button (on the Standard toolbar) and then pastes it onto the control.
Set oldCtrl = CommandBars("Custom").Controls(1)
If oldCtrl.Type = msoControlButton Then
Set newCtrl = CommandBars.FindControl(Type:= _
MsoControlButton, ID:= _
End If
As it applies to the DocumentProperty object
This example displays the name, type, and value of a document property. You must pass a valid DocumentProperty object to the procedure.
Sub DisplayPropertyInfo(dp As DocumentProperty)
MsgBox "value = " & dp.Value & Chr(13) & _
"type = " & dp.Type & Chr(13) & _
"name = " & dp.Name
End Sub
Applies to | CommandBar Object | CommandBarButton Object | CommandBarComboBox Object | CommandBarControl Object | CommandBarPopup Object | DocumentProperty Object | SearchScope Object
See Also | Using Command Bars