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SaveAs Method [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Saves the specified publication with a new name or format.

expression.SaveAs([FileName], [Format], [AddToRecentFiles])

expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.

FileName  Optional Variant. The name for the publication. The default is the current folder and file name. If the publication has never been saved, the default name is used, for example, If a publication with the specified file name already exists, the publication is overwritten without the user being prompted first.


PbFileFormat can be one of these PbFileFormat constants.

AddToRecentFiles  Optional Boolean. True to add the publication to the list of recently used files on the File menu. Default is True.


If there is insufficient memory or disk space to save the file, an error occurs.

Calling the SaveAs method always performs saves in the foreground regardless of whether background saves are enabled.


This example saves the active publication as a Publisher 2000 file.

ActiveDocument.SaveAs _
    FileName:="", Format:=pbFilePublisher2000

This example saves the active publication as Test.rtf in Rich Text Format (RTF).

ActiveDocument.SaveAs _
    FileName:="Test.rtf", Format:=pbFileRTF

This example saves the active Web publication as a set of filtered HTML pages and supporting files. Note that the .htm extension is automatically added to the value of the Filename parameter if the value of the Format parameter is pbFileHTMLFiltered.

With ActiveDocument
    .SaveAs Filename:="CompanyContacts", Format:=pbFileHTMLFiltered
End With

Applies to | Document Object