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PresentationSave Event

Occurs before any open presentation is saved.

Private Subapplication**_PresentationSave(ByValPresAs Presentation)**

*application    * An object of type Application declared with events in a class module. For information about using events with the Application object, see Using Events with the Application Object .

*Pres    * The presentation to be saved.


This example saves the current presentation as an HTML version 4.0 file with the name "mallard.htm." It then displays a message indicating that the current named presentation is being saved in both PowerPoint and HTML formats.

Private Sub App_PresentationSave(ByVal Pres As Presentation)
    With Pres.PublishObjects(1)
        PresName = .SlideShowName
        .SourceType = ppPublishAll
        .FileName = "C:\HTMLPres\mallard.htm"
        .HTMLVersion = ppHTMLVersion4
        MsgBox ("Saving presentation " & "'" _
            & PresName & "'" & " in PowerPoint" _
            & Chr(10) & Chr(13) _
            & " format and HTML version 4.0 format")
    End With
End Sub

Applies to | Application Object

See Also | PresentationClose Event