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face Property

Sets or returns a String that represents the font for the specified object.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The following example inserts a BASEFONT element into the specified document if one doesn't already exist and formats the font name and, optionally, the font size.

Function SetBasefont(objDoc As FPHTMLDocument, strFontFace As String, _
        Optional strFontSize As String) As FPHTMLBaseFontElement
    Dim objBody As FPHTMLBody
    Dim objTemp As FPHTMLBaseFontElement
    Set objBody = objDoc.body
    If objBody.all.tags("basefont").Length <= 0 Then
        objBody.insertAdjacentHTML "afterbegin", "<Basefont>"  
        Set objTemp = objBody.all.tags("basefont").Item(0)
        Set objTemp = objBody.all.tags("basefont").Item(0)
    End If
    With objTemp
        .face = strFontFace
        If Len(strFontSize) > 0 Then .Size = strFontSize
    End With
    Set SetBasefont = objTemp
End Function

Use the following example to call the preceding subroutine.

Sub CallSetBasefont()
    Call SetBasefont(ActiveDocument, "comic sans ms", "5")
End Sub

Applies to | FPHTMLBaseFontElement Object | FPHTMLFontElement Object | IHTMLBaseFontElement Object | IHTMLFontElement Object