fromElement Property
Returns an IHTMLElement object that represents the element the mouse pointer is exiting during an onmouseover or onmouseout event.
*expression * Required. An expression that returns an IHTMLEventObj object.
See also the srcElement and toElement properties.
The following example makes the text in the specified element bold, if it is not already bold. This example must be placed in a class module, and it assumes that you have declared in the General Declarations section of a class module an FPHTMLParaElement object variable called "objPara" using the WithEvents keyword.
Private Sub objPara_onmouseover()
Dim objEvent As IHTMLEventObj
Dim objElement As IHTMLElement
Set objEvent = objWindow.event
Set objElement = objEvent.fromElement
If objElement.Style.fontWeight <> "bold" Then _
objElement.Style.fontWeight = "bold"
End Sub
Applies to | IHTMLEventObj Object