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Frequency Property [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Returns or sets a Long indicating the number of lines per inch that the plate will print. The default is 133. Read/write.


expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


To specify a custom frequency setting for a printable plate, the UseCustomHalftone of the AdvancedPrintOptions object must be set to True. Returns "Permission Denied" if the UseCustomHalftone is set to False.


This example sets the spot color plates (plates five and higher) of a process and spot color publication to the same custom angle and frequency. The example assumes that the publication's color mode has been specified as process and spot colors, and the publication's print mode has been specified as separations.

Sub SetSpotColorPlatesProperties()

ActiveDocument.AdvancedPrintOptions.UseCustomHalftone = True

Dim intCount As Integer

With ActiveDocument.AdvancedPrintOptions.PrintablePlates
    For intCount = 5 To .Count
        With .Item(intCount)
            .Angle = 45
            .Frequency = 150
        End With
End With

End Sub

Applies to | PrintablePlate Object