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GraphicsResolution Property [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]


PbPrintGraphics can be one of these PbPrintGraphics constants.
pbPrintHighResolution Default. Print linked graphics using the full-resolution linked version.
pbPrintLowResolution Print linked graphics using the low-resolution placeholder version that is stored in the publication.
pbPrintGraphicsNoGraphics Print a box in place of linked graphics.


expression Required. An expression that returns an AdvancedPrintOptions object.


Setting this property only affects inserted pictures (whether linked or embedded), and clip art. Autoshapes and border art will always print.

Printing boxes in place of graphics is useful when printing a quick proof of the layout that only shows the positioning of pictures.

This property corresponds to the Graphics controls on the Graphics and Fonts tab of the Advanced Print Settings dialog box.


The following example sets the graphics to print as boxes in the active publication.

Sub PrintGraphicAsBoxes
    With ActiveDocument.AdvancedPrintOptions
        If .GraphicsResolution <> pbPrintNoGraphics Then
        .GraphicsResolution = pbPrintNoGraphics
        End If
    End With
End Sub

Applies to | AdvancedPrintOptions Object