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HorizontalRepeat Property [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Returns a Long that represents the number of times the catalog merge area will repeat across the target publication page when the catalog merge is executed. Read-only.


expression Required. An expression that returns a CatalogMergeShapes object.


When the catalog merge is executed, the catalog merge area repeats once for each selected record in the specified data source.

The number of times the catalog merge area repeats across the page is determined by the width of the area. Use the Width property of the Shape object to return or set the horizontal size of the catalog merge area.

The VerticalRepeat property of the CatalogMergeShapes object represents the number of times the catalog merge area repeats vertically down the target publication page.


The following example returns the number of times the catalog merge area will repeat horizontally and vertically on the target publication page when the catalog merge is performed. This example assumes the catalog merge area is the first shape on the first page of the specified publication.

Sub CatalogMergeDimensions()
    With ThisDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1)
        Debug.Print .Width
        Debug.Print .CatalogMergeItems.HorizontalRepeat
        Debug.Print .Height
        Debug.Print .CatalogMergeItems.VerticalRepeat
    End With

End Sub

Applies to | CatalogMergeShapes Collection