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InksToPrint Property [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]


PbInksToPrint can be one of these PbInksToPrint constants.
pbInksToPrintAll Default. Print a separate plate for every ink defined for the publication, whether or not it is used.
pbInksToPrintConvertSpotToProcess Convert any spot color used in the publication to their equivalent CMYK values and print these objects as part of the process color separations.
pbInksToPrintused Print separate plates for only those inks used in the publication.


expression Required. An expression that returns an AdvancedPrintOptions object.


This property is only accessible if separations are being printed. Use the PrintMode property of the AdvancedPrintOptions object to specifiy that separations are to be printed. Returns "Permission Denied" if any other print mode is specified.

The InksToPrint property is equivalent to the These Plates control on the Separations tab of the Advanced Print Settings dialog box.


The following example tests to determine if the active publication has been set to print as separations. If it has, it is set to print only plates for the inks actually used in the publication, and to not print plates for any pages where a color is not used.

Sub PrintOnlyInksUsed
    With ActiveDocument.AdvancedPrintOptions
        If .PrintMode = pbPrintModeSeparations Then
            .InksToPrint = pbInksToPrintUsed
            .PrintBlankPlates = False
        End If
    End With
End Sub

Applies to | AdvancedPrintOptions Object