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IsTrueColor Property [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]


MsoTriState can be one of these MsoTriState constants.
msoCTrue Not used with this property.
msoFalse The specified picture does not contain color data of 24 bits per channel or greater.
msoTriStateMixed Indicates a combination of msoTrue and msoFalse for the specified shape range.
msoTriStateToggle Not used with this property.
msoTrue The specified picture contains color data of 24 bits per channel or greater.


expression Required. An expression that returns a PictureFormat object.


For pictures that are not TrueColor, use the ColorsInPalette property of the PictureFormat object to determine the number of colors in the picture's palette.


The following example tests each picture in the active document and prints out whether the picture is TrueColor, and if not prints how many colors are in the picture's palette.

For Each pgLoop In ActiveDocument.Pages
    For Each shpLoop In pgLoop.Shapes
        If shpLoop.Type = pbLinkedPicture Or shpLoop.Type = pbPicture Then
            With shpLoop.PictureFormat
                If .IsEmpty = msoFalse Then
                    Debug.Print .Filename
                    If .IsTrueColor = msoTrue Then
                        Debug.Print "This picture is TrueColor"
                        Debug.Print "This picture contains " & .ColorsInPalette & " colors."
                    End If
                End If
            End With
        End If
    Next shpLoop
Next pgLoop

Applies to | PictureFormat Object