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KernedPairs Property [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]


MsoTriState can be one of these MsoTriState constants.
msoCTrue Not used with this property.
msoFalse Character pairs in the specified WordArt object have not been kerned.
msoTriStateMixed Not used with this property.
msoTriStateToggle Toggles between msoTrue and msoFalse.
msoTrue Character pairs in the specified WordArt object have been kerned.


expression Required. An expression that returns a TextEffectFormat object.


This example turns on character pair kerning for all WordArt objects in the active publication.

Sub KernedWordArt()
    Dim pagPage As Page
    Dim shpShape As Shape
    For Each pagPage In ActiveDocument.Pages
        For Each shpShape In pagPage.Shapes
            If shpShape.Type = msoTextEffect Then
                shpShape.TextEffect.KernedPairs = msoTrue
            End If
End Sub

Applies to | TextEffectFormat Object