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SetHeadMapping Method

Specifies the mapping that is applied to regions that are in the head section of a Dynamic Web Template.

expression.SetHeadMapping(bzOldMaster, bzNewMaster, bzOldRegion, bzNewRegion)

*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.

bzOldMaster    Required String. The relative path and file name of the old Dynamic Web Template file. Use an empty String if there is currently no Dynamic Web Template attached to the document.

bzNewMaster    Required String. The relative path and file name of the new Dynamic Web Template file.

bzOldRegion    Required String. The region name in the old Dynamic Web Template file from which to map. Use an empty String if there is currently no Dynamic Web Template attached to the document.

bzNewRegion    Required String. The region name in the new Dynamic Web Template file to which to map the old region.


The following example maps the regions from the body and head sections of the document, and then attaches the Dynamic Web Template file.

Dim objState As DynamicTemplateState

Set objState = Application.CreateDynamicTemplateState

objState.SetBodyMapping "", "template.dwt", "", "A1"
objState.SetHeadMapping "", "template.dwt", "", "metadata"

ActiveDocument.ApplyDynamicTemplate "template.dwt", objState

Applies to | DynamicTemplateState Object