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AddIns Property

Returns the program-specific AddIns collection that represents all the add-ins listed in the Add-Ins dialog box (Tools menu). Read-only.

For information about returning a single member of a collection, see Returning an Object from a Collection .


Microsoft PowerPoint-specific add-ins are identified by a .ppa file name extension. Component Object Model (COM) add-ins can be used universally across Microsoft programming products and have a .dll or .exe file name extension.


This example adds the add-in named "Myaddin.ppa" to the list in the Add-Ins dialog box and loads the add-in automatically.

Set myAddIn = Application.AddIns.Add(FileName:="c:\myaddin.ppa")
myAddIn.Loaded = True
MsgBox myAddIn.Name & " has been added to the list"

Applies to | Application Object

See Also | COMAddIns Property